Counter for Divi
A powerful replacement for the standard Divi Number Counter and Circle Counter modules.
Category: Function & Design Vendor: Divi Cake
Counter for Divi
A flexible and powerful replacement for the standard Divi Number Counter and Circle Counter modules. We created it because Divi’s counter modules, while having a nice look, are very weak in their functionality and have a lack of custom options and the possibilities to style the module.
Counter for Divi gives you all the flexibility you really need to build great sites. The key features are:
- Count numbers
- Count dates ranges
- Count posts (even custom post types)
- Use number only or use number and circle
- Create pie charts
- Use different percent value for the circle than for the counted number
- Force decimal places to be counted
- Count from one number to another or count to and from 0
- Choose count animation duration
- Add pre- and/or suffix to the number
- Show scale on circle counter
- Style is fully customizable
- Custom CSS fields for every situation
Check out the demo page for some ideas on how to use the module.